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Troubleshooting of series resonant transformer

Add time:2022-02-18 11:24:55   Number of views:234  

Series resonance equipment plays a vital role in the power system, which is related to the safety of the whole power system. However, sometimes there are some small faults in the series resonance transformer due to operation faults or other problems. Today, Xiaobian may will teach you how to deal with these unnecessary faults.

1. Fan does not start:

Failure to press "fault reset" after emergency stop, fault protection and detuning protection;

If the internal temperature is too high, the power element is thermally protected;

Troubleshooting: turn off the power supply of the instrument, let the instrument stand for about 30 minutes, turn on the power again, press the "reset" key on the instrument panel, and then start the instrument.

2. Auto tuning cannot be completed, resonance point cannot be found:

(1) Phenomenon: the tuning curve is completely a straight line. After tuning, the instrument indicates that there is no resonance point

Cause: the circuit is not well grounded, the test circuit is wrongly wired, and an instrument of the device is open circuit

Troubleshooting: check whether the grounding device is reliable and whether the grounding connecting wire has a disconnection point;

Check the on-off of high and low voltage coils of excitation transformer;

Check the on-off of each reactor;

Check the on-off of the signal line of the voltage divider;

Check the on-off of the high and low voltage capacitor arm of the voltage divider; There is no resonance point when the device is boosted, and it is also necessary to check the on-off of the compensation capacitor;

(2) Phenomenon: the tuning curve is a curve with low peak; During the test, the primary voltage is high, but the high voltage is low. Even when it does not rise to the test voltage, the primary voltage has reached the rated voltage, and the circuit will automatically step down;

Cause: the capacitance of the reactor does not match that of the test object, and the resonance point is not found accurately;

The sample loss is high and the system Q value is too low;

The high voltage output voltage of excitation transformer is low;

Troubleshooting: connect the compensation capacitor to the test circuit and increase the circuit capacitance; Multiple reactors shall be connected in series as far as possible to improve the loop inductance; Increase the output voltage of excitation transformer; Dry the test object, improve the insulation strength of the test object and reduce the active power loss of the circuit.

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